
由加州水资源部进行的2024年4月北塞拉积雪调查的航拍照片. Officials determined that snowpack was 113% of the annual average for this time of year.

Northern Sierra snowpack, photo courtesy of California Department of Water 资源

From the Northern Sierra to Southern California 

When the 国家水利工程 was constructed in the 1960s and 70s, Metropolitan became the system’s largest contractor, importing up to 2 million acre-feet of water per year to our Southern California service area. Although the SWP on average provides about 30% of the water used in the region, 在过去的十年里,由于气候的快速变化和日益极端的天气模式,我们每年从北加州进口的水量波动很大. 为保护鱼类和水质而制定的规章也在通过萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲的SWP供应有限的问题上发挥了作用.

大都会从事项目和研究,以促进该地区的健康和可持续性,以及其核心的重要河口. 我们的行动是由我们的信念所引导的 《湾三角洲政策纲要,于2022年由董事会通过.

这张图描述了过去20年来州水项目向大都会供水的极端变化.  Deliveries are particularly low during extended droughts, such in 2014 and 2021-22.
A scenic landscape shot of Bouldin Island, May 2024

Bouldin Island, 萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲


Balancing Ecosystem Health, 水的供应 Reliability & 社区 

The Delta is the central hub of California’s water delivery system, 但它对我们的经济也至关重要, a number of endangered native fish species and the quality of life for millions of Californians. Balancing these diverse interests is the challenge of regulators, 水资源管理者, 生物学家和其他对环境健康和供水系统感兴趣的人.

每年能从三角洲抽出多少水输送到南方的城市和农场,不仅取决于塞拉山脉的积雪径流, but also on the condition of the Delta’s ecosystem and fisheries. 三十年来, 为了保护三角洲地区的濒危物种,监管机构越来越多地限制了石油的输送, 包括德尔塔的味道.

To support ecosystem health, as well as water reliability, Metropolitan purchased a number of 三角洲岛 in 2016. As a responsible landowner and conscientious neighbor, we have committed to science-based watershed management, 与岛屿利益攸关方和整个区域建立多益环境倡议和基于社区的伙伴关系.

A 关闭-up photo of the Delta smelt, courtesy of the California Department of Water 资源.



韦伯小路上野生动物的动态拍摄, one of the Metropolitan-owned islands in the 萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲.  三角洲是太平洋航线的一部分.

Pacific Flyway, 萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲


At the heart of the SWP water delivery system is the Delta, 一个复杂的水道网, 融化, 运河和岛屿, where freshwater from California’s two largest rivers meets saltwater from the Pacific. 但三角洲也面临风险.

Levees vulnerable to sea-level rise and earthquakes, 与气候变化相关的更极端的天气模式和三角洲生态系统健康状况的下降都威胁着通过三角洲的可靠供水.

这张照片, courtesy of the California Department of Water 资源, depicts a recent levee breach in the 萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲.



与气候变化相关的极端天气可能会在未来几年严重减少大都会的SWP供应. Existing water quality and minimum flow regulations mean that during intense drought periods, very little SWP supplies may be delivered to Southern California.


Rising sea levels will not only put more pressure on the Delta’s dirt and peat levees; they also push seawater further into the Delta, 影响水质, and threatening intake pumps that draw water out of the Delta and into the California Aqueduct, for delivery to cities and farms in the south. The levees are especially vulnerable as they sit only a few feet above sea level.


在19世纪50年代,三角洲从沼泽地变成了农田,用堤坝挡水. 这一活动暴露了泥炭土, 哪些正在迅速蒸发, 导致陆地水位下降,把岛屿变成碗状,完全依赖于堤坝的保护. 随着下沉的继续, 堤坝上的水压增加了, 使它们面临更大的崩溃风险, which would draw seawater toward the Delta’s freshwater pathway.


With several faults running through the region, the U.S. Geological Survey estimates a 72% percent chance of a magnitude 6.7 earthquake hitting the Bay Area in the next 30 years. This could cause widespread failures along the 1,100 miles of levees that surround 三角洲岛, 让海水进入,使得在堤坝之间流动的淡水在几个月内不能饮用, 甚至是几年.


Various endangered species call the Delta home. 监管机构保护这些物种的努力主要集中在减少SWP的水出口上, 尽管许多科学调查将三角洲生态系统健康状况的下降归因于各种原因.

An aerial photograph of the 萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲.



Gov. 加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)的三角洲运输项目(Delta transport Project)提议对该州三角洲地区的水利基础设施进行现代化改造,以提高2700万加州人的供水可靠性.

拟议中的项目不同于以往开发另一种途径将水输送到三角洲地区的努力. Identified as the Bethany Reservoir alignment, 该工程将从北部三角洲萨克拉门托河的两个新进水口引水,并通过一条几乎与10号州际公路平行的隧道,到达位于加州渡槽起点的贝萨尼水库.

拟建项目, 容量为6,000立方英尺每秒, would allow for the capture of water supplies during particularly wet periods. 在干燥和一般条件下, state project supplies would continue to move through the Delta, 就像他们188bet棋牌平台做的那样.

In December 2023, the California Department of Water 资源 released its 最终环境影响报告 进行三角洲运输工程. 阅读都市的 声明 最终EIR的发布. 

大都会董事会和全州的水务领导人将使用该州的环境影响报告来进行三角洲运输项目, 以及其他信息, such as the state’s benefit-cost analysis, to determine how to best invest our resources in response to a changing climate, while also supporting the state’s coequal goal to protect, 恢复和加强三角洲生态系统. 

On May 16, 2024, the Department of Water 资源 released a 成本估算和效益成本分析. Read 大都会的声明.

到目前为止, 大都会董事会已经投票支持资助该地区的环境规划和施工前成本份额, joining other 国家水利工程 Contractors. 董事会的 最近一次投票 是在2020年12月.

而DCP正在考虑中, Metropolitan has been meeting with diverse voices within the Delta - including NGO, 部落, 学术机构和政府机构——以确定共同利益并提高三角洲地区的可靠性.




贝瑟尼水库的照片, which is the preferred alignment of the proposed 三角洲交通工具 Project.  Photo courtesy of the California Department of Water 资源.


After launching the environmental review process in January 2020, the EIR草案 was released in July 2022 for public comment. The 最终报告 was released by the California Department of Water 资源 in December 2023. 该报告评估并确定了拟议项目和替代方案的潜在环境影响,并将允许大都会进行自己的分析,并从2024年年中开始评估项目的潜在成本和收益,以支持我们董事会的决策过程.

社区福利计划框架 was included in the Final Environmental Impact 报告, 这表明DWR致力于确保Delta社区的利益,并为公众提供机会对框架中包含的概念进行评论.

通过最终EIR认证, 社区福利计划将正式成为拟议的三角洲运输项目的一部分,该项目正在由大都会董事会和全州其他水务领导人考虑.

在未来的几个月, DWR将根据加州濒危物种法案和联邦濒危物种法案进行许可谈判, 以及改变国家水资源控制委员会的引水点,以确保新的北三角洲取水口的运行符合现行法律, 法规和保护.


站点水库是一个拟议的1.在萨克拉门托山谷建造500万英亩英尺的下游水库,在满足所有其他水权和监管要求后,该水库将收集萨克拉门托河的雨水, 城市利益最大化, agricultural communities and the environment. 在南加州, this translates to improved supply reliability in drought years, 特别是对我们那些依赖州水项目的社区,以及减少南加州地下水供应枯竭的风险.

自2017年以来, Metropolitan has invested about $31 million into the planning, permitting and environmental review effort for Sites Reservoir. Any future investment would need to be considered by Metropolitan’s board.



Proposed location of Sites Reservoir, photo courtesy of DWR



A landscape photo of Lake Perris, the Southern California terminus of the 国家水利工程.